A Growing Brood: Top 10 Tips When Getting a New Puppy

You think you’ve got it all figured out. The house is immaculate, children settled in school, work is on the up and up. But something’s missing. You start to feel a little…well…Proody. Yep, you read that right, you’re Proody. When the want, sorry, need, for a puppy becomes all consuming and you can think
Be Right Back: How to Minimise Separation Anxiety

We know that back to school time can often be a nerve-wracking time for parents and children. But what about your dog? It’s likely there has been more activity around the house over the summer. Perhaps your dog has spent much more time than usual with you and your family and friends, or has
Ruh Roh: Someone’s in The Dog House!

Mucky pup Leo looks like he’s up to his neck in it! If you think your dog can give him a run for his money in the trouble stakes, enter them in our contest over on Instagram. We’re asking our dog owners to post a pic of their pooches up to no good, using #inthedoghouse.